
original photos 

artist's statement 

since i was young, i've always been really into star wars, so being able to see myself in it was really cool. i knew i wanted to do something from the original trilogy, since i love those movies. one of my favorite movies ever is Return of the Jedi, so i decided to place myself into that one. since i do pull some of my fashion sense from the star wars universe, when taking my photo i tried to really up that vibe. 

i tried to take a photo with lighting that matches up to the original scene with as plain of a background as i had access to. i did this so that i could select myself easier in photoshop to crop out the original background. photoshop still had issues with my hair, but i think that the comparatively "lower" quality of the Return of the Jedi (1983) next to my iphone's high quality camera made the jankiness of the cutting work out. after cutting out myself and placing it where i wanted to be, i additionally changed the lighting over myself by using a gradient overlay on the mask. i used a transparent to black linear gradient to match the lighting of the movie.


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