final portfolio

sketches and inspiration 


artist statement 

i pulled a lot of inspiration for my portfolio design off of a victorian era / vampiric vibe. i downloaded a template, but heavily altered it to my own design. i knew i wanted to go with a darker palette, and went through a lot of iterations until i decided on a custom palette. i chose a white and a black for the main background and text, because those stand out against each other well for easier visibility. i think that red and purple as accent colors are an unappreciated combo (as well as two of my favorite colors). i chose bats as my accent piece because i love bats- my eagle scout project was actually building bat boxes at a local camp. since i was pulling from victorian page design, i originally wanted to do a kind of border on the sides of the pages or in the corner. i decided that that was actually a decent amount of effort, i opted instead of bats at the bottom of the page telling you the page number. i did keep an iteration of the page accents in my about the artist section. for the cover page, i wanted to keep with the theme, and didn't have a project or photo of myself i particularly wanted on the front page, so i instead did something inspired by Ghost's Opus Eponymous album art. i used the fonts single ghost from dafont for the title, P22 pouty pro from adobe for the headings and page numbers, and bodoni 72 from adobe for the main text. 

in order to have a colored background, i created a bottom layer of the color, made it unprintable (since indesign is made to print on different colors of paper), and locked it. i wanted the page layouts to vary, so i copied my base sufficiently, and rearranged each page as i went. i had to cut down a lot of my text in my artist statements because they were too long to fit on a single page in a readable font. i also rewrote my about me, because i didn't like the one i originally posted on this blog. i also included some photos for personality, and they are (from left to right, top to bottom)- me going to a Will Wood concert, me slaying at UT, my Eagle Scout project from 2021, and me and my little sister out camping this past year. 


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