the work of Paula Scher

for me, being in a state of play means that you are relaxed, but focused. you can get competitive or stressed about what you are doing, but in the end, you feel accomplished that you used your time to create something. it's almost like a meditative place, being unworried about other things, like work or school. it's also a place where you can express and work through the anxieties of life. 

for me, i do my best work when i'm in a place where i have visually interesting surroundings. the easiest way i've been able to do this is by using a light projector or multicolor lighting in my room. i like dim light because it doesn't strain my eyes. i also like having music playing, a podcast, or the tv on. i try to theme it with what i'm creating, so i can surround myself with the vibe i'm trying to create. 

so far, i haven't been able to create as much as i've liked to. but when i have had the chance, i've leaned towards multimedia art, using materials like paint and sharpies to draw on stuff that might not necessarily be intended for drawing on. i also have an interest in writing for film, which is why i chose my major. i like writing fiction pieces in the genres of fantasy, sci-fi, and stuff set in the 1970's and 1980's. i enjoy whimsy, surreal, dream sequences, so i hope to be able to visualize that in my writing and directing. but i also like grit and realism in these genres, or re-imagining them in a more grounded way. i also like to think about the mechanics of sci-fi things, like how the size of different planets would change how life is like on them. it's definitely the stem-y side of me. 

the piece i liked most by Paula Scher was actually her Boston cover. i honestly can't believe she doesn't like it, but creators hating their most popular piece is nothing new. think Sir Arthur Conan Doyle with Sherlock. i'm a big space person, plus i love rock and Boston's music is pretty cool. plus i love retro space age stuff, so i think the spaceship guitars are pretty cool. i also like the color scheme, it's very '70's, and very similar to the palette i used to plan what i wanted my dorm to look like. maybe i'll get a print of it to hang on my wall.


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